“We need to adjust two essential agendas to our industry: one that concerns the exploration & production area and other one that concerns Petrobras’s post-crisis scenario. This was the opinion of the Brazilian Minister of Mines and Energy, Fernando Coelho, who participated in a meeting at IBP headquarters, last August 4, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The event gathered the minister with industry executives and IBP’s board of directors such as the president Jorge Camargo, IBP Secretary-General, Milton Costa Filho, IBP E&P Executive Secretary, Antonio Guimarães, and Government officials as the Petroleum, Natural Gas and Renewable Fuels Secretary, Márcio Felix.
At the event, minister Coelho pointed out that he believes in Petrobras’s potential to overcome the negative impact of the recent downturn, but he highlighted that changes will be inevitable and should bring positive effects.
“It is a huge challenge to the Government economic team, but I feel that companies are engaged to make things happen. Brazil has a great potential that needs to be explored. Petrobras will be successful again, but not alone: wealth should be accelerated and shared with other companies. Job creation, for example, interest us very much”, says the minister.
Dialog and Opportunities
Enthusiastic with the moment for opportunities, Coelho said that Brazilian Government is engaged to strengthen relations with the energy industry, especially through the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). “We will keep listening what Brazilian industry says. We are sure that new opportunities will emerge in our country and we want to make sure that the 14th bid round will be a success”, explains.
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