RIO OIL & GAS 2016

The leading oil and gas event in Latin America is organized every two years by the Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP). This year’s edition explored a brand new cross-platform format, with updated program and content for the exhibition, conference and parallel events.



24-27 OCTOBER, 2016

EXHIBITION: 12h -20h

CONFERENCE: 9h -18h30








Portuguese and English, with simultaneous translation













The motto chosen for Rio Oil & Gas this year was “Pathways to a Competitive Oil Industry”. The debates provided in the technical program covered Upstream, Downstream, Gas and Energy, Governance, Sustainability, SMS, Compliance and Geopolitics.



Click here and check out the list of approved papers. Learn more on the agenda of digital and oral presentations.


Learn more about Honorable Mentions
and other IBP’s Awards

Parallel Events

São mais de 20 palestras e palestrantes nacionais e internacionais, cursos, estudos de caso, visitas técnicas e atividades sociais em um evento organizado por jovens das mais respeitadas empresas da indústria de petróleo em todo o mundo. Cadastre-se e receba as novidades sobre a programação completa!


The 18th edition of Rio Oil & Gas gathered over 100 speakers from 22 countries around the world, promoting relevant debates in the oil and gas industry. Check out:

Danny Hart

Danny Hart

General Manager


Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

He is responsible for the company activities in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. The engineer was a member of the sanctioning team for the Independence Hub project in 2005 and has served as the general manager since 2013. He has 21 years of experience with Anadarko Petroleum, with half of that time in deep water development. Hart has served at Anadarko in multiple capacities including General Manager US Onshore, Exploration Manager, South America Development and Investor Relations Manager. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Engineering from Texas Tech University.

Eliane Petersohn

Eliane Petersohn

Block Definition Superintendent



In charge of this department since 2010, she is responsible for the definition and evaluation of geological areas for oil bids and for hiring and managing geological and geophysical studies performed by the regulatory agency. Previously, Eliane was an advisor to the agency board of Exploration and Production. The superintendent joined ANP in 2006 as a specialist in geology and geophysics. She graduated in 2004 in Geology from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and in 2006 got a Master degree in exploration geology from the same university.

João Carlos de Luca

João Carlos de Luca

President Director


Barra Energia

É um dos sócios fundadores da Barra Energia, exercendo o posto de Diretor Presidente da empresa.
É Presidente do Comitê da Exposição da Rio Oil & Gas 2016 e também Presidente do Comitê de Cooperação Empresarial da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - CCE / FGV, uma das mais prestigiosas Fundações de Estudos Econômicos do Brasil.
Foi Presidente da Repsol YPF no Brasil por 11 anos (até 2009), empresa que ajudou a fundar em 1998.
Foi um dos responsáveis pela criação do importante portfólio de E&P dessa companhia no Brasil, com destaque para a correta e pioneira decisão estratégica de entrar nos blocos do pré-sal da Bacia de Santos, que resultou em recursos potenciais para a Repsol da ordem de 2 bilhões de barris de óleo equivalente, e um valor de mercado (2010) de cerca de US$ 12 bilhões.
Foi Diretor de Exploração e Produção (E&P) da Petrobras – Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – entre 1990 e 1995, sendo simultaneamente Membro do Conselho de Administração da Petrobras Holding e suas Subsidiárias.
Responsável pelas áreas de Exploração, Perfuração e Produção da Petrobras no Brasil, gerenciava ao redor de 22.000 pessoas e 837 gerentes.

José Firmo

José Firmo



Seadrill Brasil and ABESPetro

A senior Oilfield Service executive with over 20 years of experience and an exceptional career with growth, performance, delivery and management track record. Proven ability to manage field operations in six different countries, technology development and HR function at global level designing and implementing highly effective teams and successful strategies.

Jerry Kepes

Jerry Kepes

Vice President, Upstream Research & Consulting


IHS Energy

His primary focus is on commercial play and basin analysis and competitiveness, including the impact of strategy, corporate focus and above-ground risk on success or failure in the E&P business. Perspectives and experiences are driven by several decades of professional experience at the nexus of government, commercial operations and the market place.
Prior to IHS’s acquisition of PFC Energy in 2013, Jerry was a partner, member of the executive committee and head of its upstream practice. Jerry had been with PFC Energy since 1991. Before joining PFC Energy, Jerry was an exploration geologist for Marathon Oil Company focused on North Africa and the Middle East. Jerry holds an M.A. in International Relations from the School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, an M.S. in Geology from the University of New Mexico and a B.S. Cum Laude in Geology from the University of Dayton, Ohio.