Rio Pipeline 2017

Mais uma edição inovadora!

A Rio Pipeline Conference & Exhibition mudou a sua marca, agregando toda a comunidade do setor dutoviário, de ponta a ponta, em um evento ainda mais completo. Foi um encontro entre os mais diversos participantes deste segmento, permeado por conteúdo técnico de alta relevância, networking e ambiente de negócios. O que acontece no mercado passa antes por aqui. Rio Pipeline, muito mais pipeline.

Com o lema “Conectando o Futuro: Tendências e Desafios” nos aprofundamos no novo cenário, mostrando soluções inovadoras para os desafios do segmento e identificamos oportunidades de negócios.









trabalhos técnicos

Fotos 2017

Confira as fotos da edição de 2017.


Palestrantes de 2017

Confira os palestrantes que estiveram presentes na Rio Pipeline.

Mike Hogan

Mike Hogan

Responsável pela execução do projeto para todas as divisões de produtos


Oil States Industries, Inc.

Mr. Hogan has served in materials development, engineering, and project management roles with Oil States Industries, Inc. over the past 33 years. He is currently responsible for project execution for all Oil States product divisions. Mr. Hogan is a graduate of the Texas A&M University and the University of Texas at Arlington, holding degrees in mechanical engineering, welding metallurgy, and business management. Mr. Hogan is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas, U. S.

Arturo Heinke

Arturo Heinke

Gerente de Dutos



Civil Engineer from the University of Buenos Aires. Postgraduate in Control Systems in the University of Buenos Aires, Master’s degree in Maintenance Management at Universidad Austral, MBA at the ADEN Business School in Mendoza
He has 34 years of experience in the petroleum industry, the last 17 years he has worked in the Logistics of Hydrocarbons of the Argentine Republic.
He is currently Manager of Pipelines of YPF SA. He is a member of ARPEL's CODyTE, co-author of the ARPEL Manual for Pipelines Integrity Management

Reginaldo de Freitas

Reginaldo de Freitas

Analista de Projetos de Engenharia



Analista de Projetos de Engenharia na Companhia de Gás do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul – MSGÁS, Engenheiro Mecânico formado pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – Furg, Especialista em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade de Passo Fundo – UPF e Mestrando em Ciência dos Materiais no Instituto de Física da Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul – UFMS.

Michael Rapp

Michael Rapp

Head of Global Business Line Proficient Pipeline Diagnostics



Michael Rapp is head of the global business line ‘Proficient Pipeline Diagnostics’, being responsible for the ROSEN Group inline inspection (ILI) business in the following areas:
Geometry & Mapping, Metal Loss, Leak Detection, Visual Inspection and Material Properties Determination.

Michael received a MSc in Physics with Economics at Heidelberg University, Germany.
During his studies and worklife he spent a significant time abroad, e.g. in France, Belgium, the U.K., spanish-speaking countries and the U.S.
He began his career in 1996 as IT Project Manager with Procter & Gamble in Frankfurt, Germany, where he subsequently built up the Market Data Analysis Programme for a Business Category using Neural Network technology. In 1999, he joined Mercedes-Benz as CRM Marketing Manager in London, U.K., to lead their European Customer Data Analysis team and develop customer loyalty programmes. In 2001 he moved on to Siemens where he held senior management positions in Business Development and Corporate Account Management, with a focus on Public Infrastructure. In 2009, he joined the board of the Siemens Ultrasound Division in Mountain View, CA, as CMO, where his responsibilities included Corporate Marketing & Communications and Corporate Product Management.
In 2012 Michael joined the ROSEN Group in Lingen, Germany, to lead the Product Management at ROSEN’s R&D center. He built up the International Service Development team, which today drives Service improvements and the creation of innovative services with a strong focus on customer benefit, such as the ROMAT service for Pipe steel grade determination via ILI and the Ultra-high resolution MFL-A service that supports operators in significantly reducing dig cost.

Joe Paviglianiti

Joe Paviglianiti

Líder Técnico de Engenharia


National Energy Board (NEB)

Mr. Paviglianiti is an Engineering Technical Leader at the National Energy Board (NEB) in Calgary, Canada. Joe has over 35 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. He worked in oil and gas facility construction for 14 years as an NDE technician before obtaining Civil Engineering degree from the University of Calgary. Joe has been with the NEB for over 20 years and his responsibilities include construction and pipe integrity inspections, auditing and reviewing integrity management programs, fitness for service evaluations and engineering assessments and conducting failure investigations. In addition, he provides input into regulatory and standards development and is the past Chairman of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z662 Oil and Gas standard Technical Committee and is the Canadian representative on the ISO TC67/SC2 committee. Joe also participated on the executive of the ASME Pipeline System Division and International Pipeline Technology Institute. In addition to having published papers in technical conferences proceedings and journals, Joe has provided training and presentations on various integrity management related topics, construction techniques, standards development, and regulations in numerous countries.


O&G no Rio de Janeiro


das reservas provadas do Brasil


da produção nacional do setor de óleo e gás

1,6 bilhão

de investimento em P&D


instituições de pesquisa e desenvolvimento


Confira os releases com os melhores momentos da Rio Pipeline 2017



Na Rio Pipeline 2017 os autores de trabalhos técnicos concorreram a dois prêmios: o Calgary Award e o Global Pipeline. O trabalho técnico vencedor do Calgary Award e aqueles que receberam Menção Honrosa durante o evento concorrem também ao prêmio Plínio Cantanhede, que será entregue na Rio Oil & Gas 2018.




Eventos Paralelos de 2017

Cursos e Workshops

23 de outubro, 8h30 às 17h30
Workshop: SCC – Stress Corrosion Cracking (ESGOTADO)
Objetivo: Promover o debate sobre o fenômeno de stress corrosion cracking em dutos, de modo a gerar conhecimento mais aprofundado sobre o mecanismo, sua prevenção e detecção, além de identificar oportunidades de desenvolvimento técnico nesta área.

Curso de Regulação na Atividade Dutoviária
Instrutor: Ricardo Motta – Consultor
Base legal e Principais Conceitos: Transporte e Transferência, Construção e Operação, Livre Acesso, Obras e Compartilhamento de Faixas, Regulamentos Técnicos, Principais diferenças: Líquidos e Gás Natural e Principais Portarias e Resoluções da ANP.

Instrutor: Moness Rizkalla, P.Eng, M.Eng. / President, Visitless Integrity Assessment Pipeline Integrity Specialist

  • Leading concepts and practices for the entire pipeline life cycle
  • Identification of Geohazards and their effects on pipelines
  • Risk reduction strategies during design, construction and operations

O curso abrangeu a gestão de dados relacionados, avaliação de risco, monitoramento e tecnologias de mitigação.

Arena do Conhecimento

Em um cenário que exige novas habilidades, gestão de informações e conexão às novas demandas globais, a Arena do Conhecimento Rio Pipeline promoveu debates sobre temas que vão muito além das questões técnicas, provocando reflexões amplas e reveladoras sobre a indústria.

Profissional do Futuro

Estudantes de todo o país tiveram uma grande oportunidade de investir na carreira na indústria de óleo e gás. O Profissional do Futuro é realizado anualmente dentro de eventos nacionais e internacionais do setor. Por meio de sessões de debates com especialistas das áreas de petróleo e recursos humanos, headhunters e jovens profissionais, os estudantes puderam interagir com os palestrantes, compartilhar experiências e coletar dicas.