
To strengthen networking and to enhance transparency with IBP associate members, the institute launched the IBP Associate Members Website, a virtual platform with exclusive content to associated companies leaders and members, at the 62nd Ordinary General Assembly, held at IBP headquarters, at Rio de Janeiro, on March 28.

The platform will be available on April 1, and will allow access to news and articles produced by specialists from associated companies about O&G industry critical and relevant topics. Content like snapshots from Industry Observatory, e-books and exclusive weekly bulletins, also the financial and activities reports and the Executive Board agenda will be accessible.

Those who already have access to Governance and Committees Portal can use the same login and password. Employers from associated companies may request access to IBP Members Area on April 1, through an e-mail to Relationship Management.


Associated members Guide

IBP associated members will also have access to Associated Members Guide, an informative guidebook that describes the association benefits and the corporative and technical leaders of IBP. The digital version is available at IBP Members Area.