Besides surpass organizers expectations, with more than 15,291 attendees, and introduces parallel events in the program – Offshore Arena – the OTC Brasil 2019 fifth edition, brought a distinctive event coverage.
In partnership with epbr agency, a set of podcasts were recorded during the event at the OTC Brasil Studio, a brand-new action in IBP events. The agency team interviewed oil and gas CEOs and executives about the sector challenges and opportunities in a resumption of the offshore investments.
Podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device.
The podcasts recorded at the OTC Brasil Studio are available for download here or in your favorite podcast app.
The partnership also produced press coverage of the event, plus the follow up on key presentations. The news about OTC Brasil 2019 are available here.
Upstream Daily Newspaper
Long-established at oil and gas industry events, the Upstream Newspaper delivered – in partnership between OTC and IBP – daily edition exclusive for OTC Brasil 2019. The daily editions, in English and Portuguese, circulated through the exhibition during the three days of the event, bringing a summary of the main activities. All the editions are available at the newspaper website and at OTC Brasil website.
OTC Brasil 2019 was sponsored by Petrobras, Equinor, ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, Chevron, Petrogal, Total, Repsol Sinopec, TechnipFMC, Vallourec, PetroRio, Aker Solutions, Frank’s International, Maha Energy Brazil, Shawcor, Solvay, Halliburton, Enauta, and MOL.
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