Due to the challenges imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, Rio Oil & Gas 2020 will be held based on a new concept, in a digital way, through an exclusive online platform between December 1 and 3, 2020.
It will be three days of programming with immersive activities and virtual content. The original agenda of the Conference will be adapted for this new platform, in what is the biggest event in the oil and gas sector in Latin America.
“We choose to innovate in the 2020 edition of Rio Oil & Gas, reaffirming the transformation capacity of the oil and gas industry. We want to be present, especially in this delicate moment that everyone is going through, showing the potential and relevance of this segment. We keep the focus on generating content, exchanging expertise and generating business, now in a digital environment ”, says Clarissa Lins, president of the Brazilian Petroleum and Gas Institute (IBP), the entity responsible for managing and organizing the event.
Cristina Pinho, IBP’s Secretary-general, will be the Chair of the Organizing Committee of this edition in 2020, assuming the role in place of Hugo Repsold who left for personal reasons. Carlos Tadeu Fraga, Prumo CEO, will assume this role in 2021, with Cristina Pinho as co-chair. “We are already analyzing a hybrid format for Rio Oil & Gas in 2021, with a mix of live and virtual events, which provides business ambience and wide reach, reinforcing the avant-garde status and relevance of the Congress”, comments Cristina.
Rio Oil & Gas represents the main meeting platform for the industry, bringing together the main national and international companies in the segment, authorities, academy, associations and civil society. In April, IBP premiered the series Rio Oil & Gas Dialogues, meetings that bring together leaders and executives to warm up the debate on sectorial and event themes. The series will continue in 2021.
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