Between March 18 and 22, iUP – IBP’s innovation hub – along with other players in the Brazilian technology and innovation ecosystem, had the opportunity to select and bring five Brazilian startups to The Innovation Agora, CERAWeek’s innovation space.
During the event, they all had the chance to pitch their ideas to international investors, reinforcing Brazil’s collaboration and innovative potential on the global stage, towards an inclusive and sustainable energy future for the oil and gas industry.
According to IBP’s technology and innovation manager, Melissa Fernandez, the event was a remarkable experience that addressed advances from hydrogen to Artificial Intelligence, underlining the critical importance of technology and startups for a fair and digitalized energy transition in our industry. This reinforces the rapid technological evolution that is transforming the sector, with companies adapting and investing in new sustainable, efficient, and innovative solutions.
“The experience reinforced my belief in the importance of collaboration between all the players in the technology and innovation ecosystem – from startups to large corporations and research institutions – if we are to tackle global energy challenges. These are times when technology, innovation, and the active participation of new ventures are essential to shaping an energy future that is not only sustainable and efficient but also inclusive and accessible to all. This event was a powerful reminder that, together, we can contribute to the transition to a more digital and fair energy industry, paving the way for a better tomorrow for generations to come,” said Melissa.
Check out the video below and learn more about the startups’ participation, as well as some testimonials from their representatives.
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