The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) will launch the 18th edition of the World Oil Outlook (WOO), a publication that analyzes the oil and energy industry in the medium and long term, at ROG.e 2024, one of the world’s leading energy events. It will be presented by the organization’s Secretary General, Haitham al-Ghais, on the conference’s Petrobras 1 Stage, on the 24th, at 2 pm.
Launched in 2007, the World Oil Outlook offers a comprehensive analysis of global supply and demand, as well as exploring the investments needed, the potential impacts of government policies and sustainable development. The report also delves into the challenges and opportunities the oil and energy sector faces in an ever-changing global landscape.
OPEC’s Secretary-General will also participate in the Young Summit, ROG.e’s arena dedicated to students, young professionals and industry managers who want to expand their knowledge, exchange experiences and develop skills. He will be opening the event on the 23rd, starting at 1:30 pm, alongside the President of the IBP, Roberto Ardenghy.
The space is located in the expo area, between Warehouses 2 and 3. To join the discussion, all you need is one of the following credentials: ROG.e VIP Pass, Conference Member, Visitor or iUP Innovation Connections.
ROG.e 2024’s app is available for download, allowing attendees, visitors and conference members to create their own schedule, select sessions and bookmark lectures.
Moreover, it is also possible to network with other participants registered on the system, access the list of sponsors and exhibitors, view the interactive map of the event, check out the confirmed speakers and receive exclusive information full-time via the timeline.
It is also possible, through matchmaking, to receive suggestions for talks, speakers and sponsors according to your interests.
Download the app for free at Google Play or App Store.
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