Requests for certification or clarification of doubts can be made as follows:
1. The requesting organization/company can access the IBP website and check all the information regarding the Certification Process.
2. To do so, the applicant can access the IBP website or contact the Certification Management (GCER) by the following means: contact form or via phone at 55 (21) 2112-1972 / 2112-9058.
3. The communication channels established for contacting the OCP/IBP may be used to answer questions at any stage of the process.
4. If necessary, the OCP/IBP will schedule a meeting with the requesting organization/company to explain the Certification Process.
5. If there is an actual interest in the SPIE Certification, the applicant must complete the FM-SPIE-04 SPIE Applicant Registration form and send it to IBP by post or electronically with a “pdf” extension. Download the FM-SPIE-04 – SPIE Applicant Registration form here and see the other documents available for download on the SPIE Certification Regulations tab.
6. After receiving the completed FM-SPIE-04 form, along with a document granting the subscriber powers to represent the applicant organization/company, the OCP/IBP Certification Manager will carefully review the information received.
7. Once the registration has been approved, the applicant organization/company becomes an SPIE Applicant and receives a provisional password from the OCP/IBP to access the restricted SPIE PORTAL area, where it can find out about all the rules and procedures that must be followed to obtain the SPIE Certification.
8. If the decision is against the continuity of the process, the Certification Manager will inform the applicant of the reasons for this conclusion.
Note: If the organization/company decides to print the procedures, it must remember that these printed copies are not controlled by OCP/IBP and that over time they may become outdated.
For questions:
Please contact the Certification Management (GCER) at the following e-mail address: