IBP has just launched two publications on the natural gas market. Produced in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Great Industrial Energy Consumers and Free Consumers (ABRACE, in portuguese), the material is available for free download and illustrates, in a simple language, the benefits of a more competitive market throughout the natural gas chain, from production to final consumers.
The “Booklet on the Free Consumer” explains the importance of the free consumer in the natural gas pipeline distribution and answers questions about the legislation on this topic. The content also details the advantages of this type of consumer for distributors and for the development of the natural gas industry in Brazil.
The publication “What you need to know about the modernization of the natural gas sector in Brazil”, addresses the distributors’ attributions and points out the necessary transformations for the opening of the sector starting from the government bill Gás para Crescer (Gas for Growth, in english), promoting the development of a real natural gas market in the country.
Click here to download the booklets on the Free Consumer and What you need to know about the modernization of the natural gas sector in Brazil.
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