Begins this Monday, June 25, online registration for the Rio Oil & Gas 2018 exhibition. The main Latin America oil & gas event will be held from September 24 to 27 in Rio de Janeiro. Important business and networking platform for the O&G sector, the event – promoted every two years by IBP – gathers industry representatives, governmental authorities, academy professionals and civil society.
At the exhibition, participants will have the opportunity to see, at the same place, the latest technologies and products of the main companies in the sector. Some confirmed companies include Equinor, Repsol Sinopec, Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, Total, Baker Hughes GE, among others.
Registration is free of charge and offers access to the exhibition halls and a few parallel events of this edition, such as the Oil & Gas TechWeek, Knowledge Arena and Sustainability and HSE Arena.
Others parallel events that will happen throughout the Rio Oil & Gas 2018 are the Downstream, Onshore, Certification and Decommissioning Foruns, and the Professional of the Future Program. Registration for each of these events should be done separately.
The previous Rio & Gas edition had the participation of 34,000 visitors, 540 exhibiting companies, 31 countries and nine international pavilions in an 44,000 square meter area.
To register for the Rio Oil & Gas exhibition and learn about the detailed schedule, access the event´s website.
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