
What we do

IBP works with members and experts to develop policies and guidance covering all sectors and requirements of the oil, gas and biofuels industry. Read below about our activities, advocacy, initiatives and priorities for each of our areas of focus.


Dedicated IBP committees work to develop the Refining & Petrochemicals, LPG, Asphalt, Fuels & Biofuels, Lubricants, Laboratory, Fuel Distribution Logistics, Ports & Terminals, and Pipeline Transportation segments.

These areas are known as the downstream segment of the oil industry, which encompasses the processing of crude oil and derivative flow of oil products for consumption in industrial, retail and consumer applications.

Examples of IBP activities in this segment include projects focused on the transportation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and improving port infrastructure and pipeline transportation of oil products. Studies are based on an assessment of logistics deficiencies identified by subject-matter experts.

Logistics Deficiencies

In Brazil, 90% of petroleum products are currently transported by truck. A long-standing shortage of rail, pipeline and waterway infrastructure has resulted in higher freight costs, diesel oil consumption and road accident risk. IBP estimates that, in ports alone, investments of R$ 3.1 billion will be required over the next ten years to address bottlenecks in the transportation of gasoline, diesel, aviation fuel and ethanol.


Asphalt Committee
Fuels Committee
LPG Committee
Technical E&P Committee
Pipeline Transportation Committee
Ports & Terminals Committee
Laboratory Committee
Lubricants & Lubrication Committee
Interlaboratory Lubricants Program
Interlaboratory Asphalt Program

If you are interested in joining an IBP technical committee, please contact Relationship Management.
