Certification Committee (ComCer)

About the Committee:

In compliance with Annex II of NR-13, before putting special periods between inspections into practice, a company’s “Equipment Inspection Specific Service” (SPIE) must be certified by Product Certification Bodies (OCP) accredited by the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO), which verify, through scheduled audits, compliance with the minimum requirements established by that Standard.

Established in 2001 by INMETRO, the SPIE Certification Commission of an OCP issues opinions on SPIE certification processes by consensus and in an independent and impartial manner.

Since 2002, IBP has acted as an OCP – accredited by INMETRO – certifying the SPIEs of companies from various industrial segments, maintaining its ComCer in a consultative and permanent capacity.

How ComCer works

ComCer operates on a tripartite and equal basis, made up of representatives from the government, companies and workers. It must be free from commercial, financial and other kinds of pressure that could influence its opinions.

Decision on the Certification

The OCP’s decision must take into account the conclusion of the auditors and the opinions and recommendations of ComCer.
ComCer’s opinions do not relieve the OCP of its responsibility for the Certificates granted.

ComCer’s Responsibilities

Issue opinions on the granting or renewal of certificates to SPIEs;
Recommending the application of sanctions and penalties to SPIEs;
Channelling reports of changes to the SPIEs’ levels and defining the measures to be taken;
Analyze and issue an opinion on complaints, appeals, defense against penalties or charges;
Ensuring the impartiality and confidentiality of the process.