
Douglas Alves

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Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG (2006), postgraduate in Petroleum Process Engineering from the State University of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ (2008) and in Risk Assessment and Management from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – COPPE / UFRJ (2009). Master in Chemical Engineering (with emphasis in Risk Assessment) obtained from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ (2013), followed by another Postgraduate Course in Pipeline Engineering with emphasis in Risk Assessment from the Newcastle University (the United Kingdom, 2014). He is currently studying for a doctorate at the Fluminense Federal University – UFF (Sustainable Management Systems – Pipeline Failure Databases).

He has worked in the Risk Assessment area as a Petrobras employee for 12 years, specifically with risk to the general public applied to oil and gas assets (including pipelines) until 2015 in the Engineering Department. Since then, Douglas has worked in the Corporate Risk Management Department as an operational risk specialist, mainly involved in Business Continuity and Pipeline Risk Management. Furthermore, he participates as a coordinator of the Pipeline Risk Community (a partnership between IBP, CCPS, ANP, Petrobras and Transpetro).
