
Heinz Watzka

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Heinz Watzka studied mechanical engineering at Technical University of Vienna, Austria

From 1981 – 1990, he worked as Project engineer and manager for oil & water pipeline projects in Nigeria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Germany and Libya at Ingenieurgemeinschaft Lässer-Feizlmayr (ILF).

From 1991 – 2002 he served as project engineer for hydraulic optimization of the Transalpine Pipeline System (TAL).

From 1994 – 2002, Mr. Watzka was technical Manager of Deutsche Transalpine Oelleitung GmbH as well as Consultant for the shareholders in surveys for TransAlaska and PARCO Pipeline System (Pakistan). As Senior Vice President responsible for the Maintenance of Ruhrgas AG he was active from 2002 – 2010. After that and until 2013, he was Managing director of Open Grid Europe GmbH responsible for Germany’s largest gas transmission system.
