
Denis Balaguer

As the EY Latin America South Innovation Leader, Denis leads the BeyondLabs innovation program and the wavespace operations and is a key leader of the firm’s digital and innovation evangelization agenda, internally and externally. With over 18 years of experience in large companies in Brazil and abroad, Denis has held executive, consulting and advisory positions working with innovation, technology, strategy and public policy. Acting in industries including aerospace, defense, ICT systems, automotive, professional business services and consumer goods, Denis led projects such as design and implementation of innovation centers, development of new business models, corporate strategic planning and strategic and technological foresight. Prior to joining EY, he was Senior Executive Manager of Strategic Marketing and Head of B2C at Atech (Embraer Group), Principal at Strategos Consulting and Chief Technology Advisor, and other positions, at Embraer. Denis has a strong academic background, with a bachelor in Mechanical-Mechatronical Engineering, a graduate degree in Scientific Journalism, a M.Sc. in Aeronautical-Mechanical Engineering and is a PhD candidate in Science and Technological Policy. He has also held positions with industry bodies, teaches in some of Brazil’s leading graduate schools and is the author of articles and book chapters on innovation, technology, strategy and public policy.

Franklin Ribeiro

Franklin holds a degree in Computer Engineering at USP, an MBA at FGV, a Public Management degree at UFJS, and a master’s degree at FECAP where he studied the relationship between startups and corporations. He is currently Head of Startup Ecosystem and responsible for innovation at the investment promotion agency Investe São Paulo. Franklin organizes SP Conecta, which are initiatives to develop the startup ecosystem. He is co-founder of Poli Angels, an angel investment group, and act as SP ambassador for Startup Genome, the US organization that produces the global startup ecosystem ranking.

José Folha

José Folha is a Master in Business Management, Postgraduate in Marketing and a Graduate in Electrical Engineering. Has specializations in Change Management; Excellence in Management and Management; Entrepreneurship and Conflict Management. He has over 20 years of automation experience, focusing on cost savings and increased productivity. Presently, he works at Festo Brasil as Product Portfolio Manager for South America and is the company’s spokesperson for Industry 4.0 matters.

Glaucia Alves

Gláucia is a Civil Engineer by UFMG, MSc in production engineering and innovation by COPPE-UFRJ, MBA by COPPEAD-UFRJ and University of San Diego and PhD candidate in Innovation Strategies for Multinationals in COPPEAD-UFRJ. Glaucia is certified as Master black Belt in corporate innovation by SGS. She is also a MBA professor at Fundação Dom Cabral for the subjects of innovation and digital transformation strategies, member of the Master Advisory Board and National Innovation Reference Center in the same institution. Advisor and evaluator for several startups in infrastructure and head of missions to connect Brazilian executives to Silicon Valley. International speaker on innovation, giving lectures at places such as Singularity University and TED. With large experience in corporate innovation, startup engagement and digital transformation, she is a Director at Deloitte for advisory and Consulting on innovation and digital transformations for engineering based industries.

George Vidor

Economist and senior journalist, was editor and columnist in the most important Brazilian newspapers. Nowadays he has a self-channel in YouTube (Canal George Vidor) with comments and interviews.

Carmen Migueles

Graduated in History. Master and doctor in Liberal Arts at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan. Professor at Getulio Vargas Foundation (culture and it’s multiple impacts in management). Lecturer on Executive Education at Dom Cabral Foundation. Guest Lecturer at Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany. Former secretary of culture. Former assessor for science and technology for the Brazilian Embassy, Tokyo. Director at Symballein consulting co. , with senior consulting experience for Brazilian and multinational corporations.

Afonso José Agra

Bachelor in Mechatronics Engineering, graduated at the Polytechnic School of the Pernambuco University (POLI-UPE). Post-graduated in Industrial Automation and Control Systems by the Pio Décimo College. From 2012 to 2014 coordinated the provision of specialized technical services of construction, assembly and commissioning of the disciplines of electricity, instrumentation and automation relative to the construction of the surface facilities of the project of extension of the water injection system of the Riachuelo (Sergipe) oil production field, which belongs to Petroleo Brasileiro SA – PETROBRAS. Since 2014 works at SERGAS, performing the planning, management and control of the operation, maintenance, inspection, cathodic protection, odorization and chromatography activities of natural gas pipelines and metering stations of the downstream system.

Zehbour Panossian

Bachelor in Physics from the University of São Paulo (1975) and a Doctorate in Physical Chemistry from the University of São Paulo (1981). She is currently a researcher at the Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection (since 1976) and Chief Business and Innovation Officer of the Institute for Technological Research of São Paulo State – IPT, Vice President of the Brazilian Corrosion Association – ABRACO and visiting professor at the University of São Paulo (since 1985). She is vice chairman of the NACE – STG 35 Committee, Brazil’s representant at the International Corrosion Council and a member of the Board of the Brazilian Standardization Association – ABNT. She has experience in chemistry, with emphasis on electrochemistry, acting on the following topics: corrosion and corrosion protection, electroplating and surface treatment. She coordinates research and technological development projects, advises on corrosion and protection, especially in optimizing production processes in the field of surface treatment and provides technological services to the productive sector

Vitor Hugo Pena

Graduated in mechanical engineering and current member of the ABEGÁS Asset Integrity Committee, has a background in Black Belts and Project Management from FGV. He joined Naturgy Brasil in 1998, was responsible for converting Manufactured Gas to Natural Gas pipes in Rio de Janeiro City, served in Auxiliary Equipment Maintenance, was Head of Network Maintenance Service, responsible for Preventive Maintenance of Valves (Regulators). and ON / OFF), Systematic Network Detection, Damage Prevention Program and the Service of Trapping and Blocking of Loaded Pipes. In 2018 he assumed the Pipeline Maintenance and Integrity Planning Management where he is responsible for the annual schedule of preventive and predictive maintenance of physical gas distribution assets, pipeline integrity and analysis of the results obtained by the operation within the companies CEG, CEG-RIO. and SPS.