
Claudio Makarovsky

Head of Oil and Gas Sales at Siemens
President of ABESPetro
Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering.
MBA in Corporate Finance by FGV- Babson College.
He held several executive positions, including GE, Dresser and Emerson.

Marcelino Guedes

Mechanical Engineer from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ), he has gained his Masters in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ) and his MBA in strategic Knowledge Management from PUC Paraná. He has also attended a specialization course in terminals and pipeline engineering from PETROBRAS.
He joined PETROBRAS in 1987 and worked in several units of the Company, including the Maritime Terminal in São Paulo and several Terminals and Pipelines in Rio de Janeiro. He has also worked in PETROBRAS’ Research Center – CENPES, where he started in the subsea engineering area and later became responsible for the pipeline technology program (PRODUT).
He was Director of Terminals and Pipelines of PETROBRAS TRANSPORTE – TRANSPETRO, where he previously held the positions of technology manager and general manager – business development and partnerships. From 2008 to 2013, he was Director-President of Abreu e Lima Refinery. Presently, he is Executive Manager, responsible for developing and applying solutions for illegal tapping in pipelines at PETROBRAS.
He is also a member of the Pipeline Commission of the Brazilian Oil and Gas Institute (IBP), former Chair of the Pipeline System Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME), an elected ASME fellow, former President of ABENDI – Brazilian Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Inspection, Member of Industry Advisory Board – IAB/ASME, and presently President of the Pipeline Technology Center – Brazil (CTDUT).

Patrice Brès

Patrice Brès joined Total in 1982 where he has since then held various positions in Refining, Trading, Marketing and Gas & Power. From 1992 he is successively named Vice President, Planning & Economics at Total Petroleum Inc. (Denver), CEO of Total Benelux, Vice President, Renewables for TotalFinaElf, Vice President, Middle East / Africa in the Gas & Power Division, President of Total Additives & Special Fuels, Managing Director of Total Belgium, President/CEO of Total Marketing France. He was chairman of the Belgian Petroleum Federation (2008-2012) and a director of Union Française des Industries Pétrolières (2013-2015). Since 2016, he is President/CEO of Trapil, the main pipeline operator in France. Patrice Brès is a graduate from Ecole polytechnique, holds an MSc in chemical engineering from the French Petroleum Institute, attended Harvard’s AMP program and is a certified director from IFA-SciencesPo.

Soichi Ide

Soichi Ide is MODEC group Chief Digital Officer and the Vice President of Operation in LATAM and Ghana. He holds a bachelor of mechanical engineering from University of Tokyo and has 25 years professional experience.
In his career in MODEC, he assumed project development and project management for 15 years to deliver FPSOs for several charter projects. In the last 4 years, he took the role of Vice President of Operation where MODEC holds 16 FPSOs to operate, including 3 under construction. He has driven deep/wide transformation in production service for operational excellence, safe and sustainable production and leading into digital transformation.

Gloria Rose

Bachelor and Master of Science in Economic and Political Sciences, Universität zu Köln · Cologne, Germany. Economist and economic journalist who informs German enterprises about the business climate and chances in Brazilian markte. Briefing for German politicians and entrepreneurs. Broad knowledge of the Brazilian economy and experience in market research and analysis.

Johannes Klingberg

Johannes Klingberg has acquired solid knowledge in bilateral cooperation projects focused on scientific and technological cooperation especially between Germany and Brazil. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Cologne and RWTH Aachen, a master’s degree from the Technical University of Cologne and has worked for the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and as well as a stay as a visiting researcher at the University of Brasilia. Throughout his career he participated in different research and consulting projects in the field of innovation economics and sustainable development.
Since 2017 he has been the Executive Director of the Brazil-Germany Association of Engineers (VDI-Brasil), a Brazilian representative of one of the largest technical-scientific associations in the world. VDI-Brasil promotes the exchange and implementation of good practices for the strengthening of engineering, technology and innovation in Brazil.

Hercules Sales Padilha Junior

Bachelor of Electronic Engineering, Post-Graduated in Business Administration and Industrial Automation. Acted as Technical Assistance Manager; R&D Coordinator on Robotics and Construction & Assembling Technologies. Today is in charge of Agile Squads Management on Petrobras Digital Transformation Effort.

Eduardo Costa

Eduardo Costa held executive positions in technology start-ups and large companies before becoming the CEO of Ouro Negro, in January 2015, with the objective to develop and provide innovative solutions for the E&P sector of the oil & gas industry. Eduardo graduated in Electrical Engineering from PUC-Rio. He holds an MSc in Production Engineering also from PUC-Rio and an MBA from ESADE Business School of Barcelona.

Tarcísio Romero de Oliveira

More than 20 years of experience in pre-sales, sales and solution architecture for information and automation technology in Industry and Agribusiness (Biofuels notably), in every size companies, from conception/value engineering to delivery. Deep knowledge in Automation Systems, Internet of Things (IoT), Production Management (MES), Industry 4.0, Business Management (ERP), Enterprise Architecture and Cloud. Multifunctional team management (technicians, analysts, sales people and project managers), with great articulation, guidance and results and targets management skills. ENDEAVOR startup and entrepreneurship mentor (2013 to present).