
Patrice Brès

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Patrice Brès joined Total in 1982 where he has since then held various positions in Refining, Trading, Marketing and Gas & Power. From 1992 he is successively named Vice President, Planning & Economics at Total Petroleum Inc. (Denver), CEO of Total Benelux, Vice President, Renewables for TotalFinaElf, Vice President, Middle East / Africa in the Gas & Power Division, President of Total Additives & Special Fuels, Managing Director of Total Belgium, President/CEO of Total Marketing France. He was chairman of the Belgian Petroleum Federation (2008-2012) and a director of Union Française des Industries Pétrolières (2013-2015). Since 2016, he is President/CEO of Trapil, the main pipeline operator in France. Patrice Brès is a graduate from Ecole polytechnique, holds an MSc in chemical engineering from the French Petroleum Institute, attended Harvard’s AMP program and is a certified director from IFA-SciencesPo.
