Amid the pick-up of naval activity, collaboration between the oil and gas industry and the national naval sector has strengthened to promote transparency and boost the development of Brazilian infrastructure. As part of this joint initiative, we present the ‘Brazilian Shipyards Map’. An interactive dashboard designed to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date view of naval infrastructure across the country.
Developed as a collaborative platform, the map is the result of a joint effort with SINAVAL, reflecting an effort to provide accurate and relevant information on Brazilian shipyards.
Find out how to navigate the collaborative platform of the Brazilian Shipyards Map.
To make sure you get the most out of this interactive tool, we’ve prepared a step-by-step guide to walk you through how to use the map, allowing you to explore the data and information on Brazilian shipyards in an easy way.

Aprendendo a navegar pelo Mapa de Estaleiros do Brasil
Confira aquiCONTACT US
The Brazilian Shipyards Map is a platform with data that can be updated periodically by the shipyards themselves, should their capacities change. In the event of updates, adjustments and/or other queries, please contact us by e-mail at mapadeestaleiros@ibp.org.br