The call for papers for Rio Oil & Gas 2018, the leading oil and gas event in Latin America, is open up to March 2nd. In its 32th edition, the conference, to be held from September 24 to 27, in Riocentro, Rio de Janeiro, will gather the greatest experts worldwide, corresponding to the industry’s most qualified audience in the region.
Through the Author’s Area, on the event’s website, those who are interested can submit the extended abstract of their papers regarding five themes: Exploration & Production, Downstream, Gas and Power, Industry Management, Digital Technologies. Those who are selected will be able to present their projects in two different formats: oral and digital poster.
The final projects will compete for honorable mentions and will be published in IBP’s online library, with ISSN registration, and in libraries of universities and partner companies, and may also be published in indexed journals. The author can also run for the Plínio Cantanhede prize, awarded to the best technical work presented at an IBP event.
Under the motto “Transforming Challenges into Opportunities”, Rio Oil & Gas stands in a context of the industry’s turning point, with the resumption of oil prices and new bid rounds planned for 2018 and 2019. Through a multiplatform format, it will discuss – in its exhibition, conference and parallel events – perspectives and paths that can ensure the development of the sector.
The most important O&G business and networking platform in Latin America, the event assembled, in 2016, 34,000 visitors, 4.200 delegates and 31 countries. The congress audience included government authorities, as well as members of operators, academia and civil society.
Check out information on schedule, conference topics, important links, guidelines and registration on the Author’s Area.
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