The IBP’s digital transformation committee had begun its 2019 activities on February 6th, at IBP office, in Rio de Janeiro. Created in November 2018, the committee aims to build a dialogue with the oil and gas industry, to support technological strategies in a short, medium and long term, besides promoting opportunities through project sharing, collaborating to transform the segment into a world reference in digital performance.
In its first meeting of 2019, the committee – represented by members from Chevron, Petrobras, Total, Repsol Sinopec, Shell and Equinor – received five IBP associated consultants – Accenture, BCG, Deloitte, EY e KPMG – to present and discuss five technologies that, according to the consultant companies, are the most outstanding of the industry with application in the short and mid-term. The goal is to incorporate these institutions in future debates.
Targeting some common issues of the segment, such as reducing Opex per barrel cost, increasing operational security and production, projects that englobe advanced analytics; big data and blockchain for new contract models were presented.
According to Daniel Michilini Carocha, committee coordinator, the meeting was an opportunity to identify not only these companies’ views, but also the biggest players about digital transformation happening around the world.
“We leave this meeting with some homework to do. First, some current technologies that we couldn’t see, but can be seen at this moment to bring to our industry and be applied with rapid results”, said Carocha, Chevron Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt & Digital Leader.
To Melissa Fernandez, IBP Technological and Innovation Manager, the next step is to identify technological and innovation companies with expertise at the technologies trends presented by the consultant institutions, in conformity to oil and gas companies. Between the chosen companies, those who are IBP members will be invited to join the committee.
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