Government authorities, members of organizations, oil and gas companies that operate in the Campos Basin and the Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP), were reunited on March 19 at the Brasil Offshore launch event, to debate the current oil and gas scenario in Macaé, one of the largest oil producing cities in Brazil.
With two panels, the meeting presented the challenges and opportunities of offshore sector in Macaé from companies that operate in the Campos Basin perspective and from authorities and organizations point of view, aiming to understand the current scenario and the future outlook.
Milton Costa Filho, secretary general of IBP pointed out that the expectation is bring back the industry and show new technologies, equipments and services that will be needed to the market recovery. “We will need workforce. We will have a high resumption of hiring and this workforce has to be better prepared for new technologies, new equipment”, added.
About Brasil Offshore
Brasil Offshore, created based on a need for a space that joined innovation, content and opportunities to foster business and competition in the sector, is now in its 10th edition, promoting an event geared towards the future of the industry and the Campos Basin, with experiences and a full exhibition aimed at new technologies and solutions for the entire oil and gas exploration and production chain.
The Brasil Offshore will happen between June 25 to 28, at Centro de Convenções Roberto Marinho, in Macaé, and is organized by Reed Exhibitions, The Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP), and SPE International.
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