Some of the most well-known executives from the leading companies of oil and gas industry in Brazil and all over the world have confirmed their presence in the 5th edition of WPC Future Leaders Forum. The Forum will be held from October 24 to 27, 2016, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as a parallel event of Rio Oil & Gas, the most important event within the energy sector in Latin America.
GE Human Resources Director in Latin America, Ana Lucia Caltabiano, Radix CEO, Luiz Eduardo Rubião, BG Group Global Technology Manager, Frances Abbots, FMC Technology Vice-President, Paulo Couto, and Boston Consulting Group Senior Partner, Iván Marten are some of speakers confirmed on the Main Sessions.
During the event, the executives will present topics related to innovation tools, career, sustainability and business leadership. They will also bring highlights on the silent revolution of petroleum assets, the role of young professionals as important assets in managing a competitive industry and the pathways to guide the industry through its cyclical downturn.
The event, created by World Petroleum Council (WPC) in 2004, is being organized by IBP for the first time in Brazil. Since its creation, FLF has already landed in China, France, India and Canada, the host of the last edition (2013).
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