The Brazilian Institute of Oil and Gas (IBP) is one of the supporters of the event “The G20 Countries and Biofuel Diplomacy”, which will be held this Friday, February 23, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., in Rio de Janeiro.
With the participation of the Ambassadors of India and Indonesia in Brazil, the Secretary of Climate, André Corrêa do Lago, G20 Sherpas – leaders of each country who carry discussions and agreements through to the final summit with heads of state and government – and experts, the seminar seeks to reflect on how the G20 countries can contribute to accelerating the energy transition.
Organized by Columbia University, the meeting is part of the forum’s official schedule and has partnerships with the Climate Hub | Columbia Global Center Rio and Rio de Janeiro City Hall.
The G20
The G20 is the economic cooperation forum for the world’s 19 largest economies, plus the European Union and, since 2023, the African Union. With an annual rotating presidency, the G20 is held in one-year cycles, with various ministerial and technical meetings culminating in a summit of heads of state and government. In Brazil, the G20 summit will be held on November 18 and 19, 2024, in Rio de Janeiro. You can find more information here.
Service: The G20 Countries and Biofuel Diplomacy
Date: 02/23/2024
Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Venue: Rio de Janeiro
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