Focused on increase the number of oil & gas events that are held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, IBP and Rio Convention & Visitors Bureau promoted an event in July 6, in Hilton Barra hotel, to over 90 executives from 58 Rio´s tourism companies – including hotels, airlines, transportation, among others companies. The event is a result of the partnership signed by both institutions last June.
IBP’s secretary general, Milton Costa Filho, talked about the Brazilian and the global oil & gas industry scenario and all energy events that IBP organizes in Rio de Janeiro, especially Rio Oil & Gas, the leading event in Latin America. Its last edition, in 2014, gathered people from 31 countries around the globe, 3.800 delegates, 130 speakers and 47.000 visitors. The next edition will be held this year, from 24 to 27 October, in Rio, just after the Olympics games.
“The petroleum industry has the largest number of events held in Brazil and in the world. Furthermore, in Brazil, 80% of this segment is concentrated in Rio de Janeiro through big companies, Government authorities, supply chain representatives and from other areas that are connected to petroleum and its by-products. We need to approach the travel segment to make Rio de Janeiro the most important destination for companies, Governments and other institutions to bring their events – not only those connected to the petroleum industry, but many others”, said Costa Filho.
According to IBP, activities in petroleum industry are considered strategic to guide companies through the downturn that affected the country. Currently, Brazil is the 13º biggest oil producer in the world and the 5º consumer market, which represents 3% of the global demand.
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