The Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute gathered Rio businessmen and oil and gas industry executives last Tuesday, at WeWork coworking space, to discuss technological transformation in the oil and gas sector.
This last event, hosted by Jorge Camargo, Rio Oil & Gas 2018 Organizing Committee Chairman, emphasized the risk of the industry become outdated if doesn’t innovate and digitalize. Camargo highlighted this will be the most technological and innovation focused edition of all Rio Oil & Gas editions.
According to Claudio Makarovsky, Siemens Oil and Gas manager of corporate accounts, the petroleum sector is considered extremely conservative in relation to digital technologies and, to change this perspective, is fundamental to invest in this area.
“It’s necessary an assisted project, a co-creation between businessmen, startups, once technology is evolving so rapidly that doesn’t exist the newer, the disruptive. It´s essential the exchange of trends and information”, defends.
Cenpes (Petrobras Technological Research Center) executive manager, Orlando Ribeiro, assured the digital transformation is reality at Petrobras. According to him, the company is one of the pioneers in deep water innovation.
“Petrobras is advancing even more on capture the assets provided by technology, and is absorbing all the creative energy available at the market to incorporate at the company and process, converting everything in results”, said.
For the first time, the Rio Oil & Gas congress will provide a technical program that covers digital technologies, alongside the Oil & Gas TechWeek, to discuss trends, technologies, innovation, challenges and industry’s needs. As informed by Rio Oil & Gas 2018 manager, Victor Montenegro, for this 19th edition, the IBP invested approximately US$4 million at the exhibition, conference and parallel events. The Rio Oil & Gas 2018 will be held from September 24 to 27, at Riocentro, in Rio de Janeiro.
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