The Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP) were present at the 50th edition of Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), held on 6–9 May, in Houston, USA. Leading global event for development of offshore resources, OTC annually bring together engineers, technicians, executives, operators, scientists, and managers from more than 100 countries and all fields in the offshore energy sector.
Brazil in the spotlight
Organized by The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), this year, the traditional Brazil Pavilion received 49 exhibiting companies, the IBP and other institutional partners: ANP, Firjan and Onip. The space also delivered a lecture program with the presentation of operating companies and entities of oil and gas sector in Brazil talking about opportunities in the Brazilian market.
Digital transformation outstanding
Under the theme “OTC’s Golden Anniversary Opening Session: The Next 50 Years of Offshore Developments“, the conference focused on how companies are preparing for the brave new world of digitalization, automation, and their vision for the future of offshore E&P operations, throughout a new program called the “Around the World Series”, where global industry leaders – Australia, Norway, Mexico, France, United Kingdom, Israel, Canada, Ghana, and Guyana – discussed new licensing and business opportunities, as well as recently introduced technologies.
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