The Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP) welcomed its newest associates last Wednesday, October 17. Milton Costa Filho, IBP secretary general, addressed the importance of new members at this time of resumption of the sector. “Living this important moment to the industry, the engagement of associates is essential to adjust together the path to 2019”, said. “The IBP is always open to new ideas, coming from associates, to give even more credibility to the sector”, added.
During the event, Pedro Alem, IBP Industry Policy Executive Manager, also highlighted the relevance of the resumption of the sector to society and economy. According to the executive, oil and gas sector profited R$1.4 trillion (around U$3,8 trillion) in taxes in the last 11 years, in addition to having 99% Brazilian labor. “The goal is that until 2022 , the sector doubles the number of people hired in Brazil. The maintenance of oil and gas activities can produce 873.000 jobs until 2022”, affirmed Alem.
The challenges of natural gas industry were also illustrated to IBP newest associates. To Luiz Costamilan, IBP Natural Gas Executive Secretary, the segment main topics are the market liberation and amplification, allowing a competitive market and an increased consumption. “It’s essential to have a special look to natural gas. The IBP recognized the importance of this fuel, which is fundamental for the energetic transition moment we are living, amplifying the engagement in critical decisions at Gás para Crescer program”, explained.
The welcome event was attended by representatives from Sinochem, Felsberg Advogados, Domingues e Pinho Contadores, CHC, Kognitus, PWC, Vieira Rezende Advogados, Faveret Lampert, Ulhôa Canto Advogados, Siemens, Transocean, SBM Offshore, Nacional Gás, Queiroz Galvão E&P, Apolo Tubulars, B&T Corretora de Câmbio, Subsea 7, Man Energy Solutions, Tetra Tech, Eneva, Campos Mello Advogados, as well individual associates.
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