Labelled as one of the main events focused on oil and gas students, the Professional of the Future, organized by the Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP), will bring its 18th edition to OTC Brasil 2019, the most important offshore conferences in the country, on October 31th.
This edition, themed “Changing the game: new career opportunities and the role of youth in a changing industry”, will approach the issue of energy transition, within the context of new energy sources and geopolitical arrangements, and how young people can contribute to the process of political, environmental and climate change.
During the day, the sessions will gather a CEO, a HR leader and a young professional to discuss career challenges for youth talents, their previous experiences and projections to the future. At the end of each one, a headhunter will promote a laboratory to give tips on building a resume and participating in selection processes.
The participation is free; however the seats are imitated. The registrations are now open at the program website
About the Professional of the Future
Created in 2020 to broad the horizons of young students about oil and gas industry, the Professional of the Future is focused on debates career challenges and opportunities and professional perspectives in the industry. It also serves to promote and disseminate knowledge about industry and contribute to the training of young people through engagement with the academic environment.
The initiative belongs to IBP Young Professionals, a program developed to contribute for the renewal of talents in the energy industry in Brazil and around the world through the meeting of young professionals and industry leaders. To learn more on youth professionals’ initiatives, visit the IBP Young Professionals page.
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