Registration is now open for the 11th edition of Rio Pipeline Conference and Exposition, which will take place from October 24th to 26th, in Rio de Janeiro. To learn more on fees and special conditions to be a part of the Conference, please click here. This year, the event will be held alongside OTC Brasil, at the same time and venue.
Organized every two years by the Brazilian Institute of Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels (IBP), the event is considered one of the greatest global meetings of the pipeline community. This year, it will be held at the Riocentro Convention Center and will gather professionals to exchange experiences and knowledge about new technologies and best management practices.
With the motto “Connecting the Future: Trends and Challenges”, Rio Pipeline 2017 presents a new brand, bringing the entire pipeline community end-to-end into an even more complete event. “It will be the great meeting between the most diverse players of this industry, to share highly relevant technical content and to promote networking and business”, explains Milton Costa Filho, IBP´s Secretary General.
The conference program includes panels, forums, presentations of technical papers (oral session and digital poster) and workshops on key issues to the industry. Besides highlighting the technological advances of products and services, the agenda will also promote debates on market changes in the fuel market in Brazil and topics related to pipeline safety.
The technical papers will be presented in oral or digital poster format. This year’s program brings 16 different topics ranging from automation to logistics to the environment, social responsibility, transportation of fuels, among others. The full list can also be seen on the event’s website.
This year, the best papers will be running for the Calgary Award, organized by the Rio Pipeline. The event’s honorable mentions can also run for the Plínio Cantanhede Award, a traditional IBP award.
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