IBP’s 14th Extraordinary General Assembly, held last Friday, elected unanimously the executive José Firmo as president of the Institute as of April 2018.
“It is a great honor to be appointed to be ahead of IBP, which is one of the pillars of the Brazilian oil and gas industry. My intention is to continue the work that has been developed, adding a certain amount of innovation to transform and expand the capacity of the Institute,” Firmo said. “The upcoming years will bring many challenges, but also many opportunities,” he concluded.
IBP’s current president Jorge Camargo remains in office until March 31 of next year, when he completes his three-year term ahead of the Institute.
“The debate on our industry’s conjuncture is always present in IBP Council meetings and was the basis for defining the profile of the new president. The oil and gas industry is redesigning in the midst of major changes in global and national scenario,” Camargo explained. “Firmo will be the first president to come from a service provider in the oil and gas chain, and I’m sure he will bring a new perspective, preparing IBP for the next cycle,” he added.
Presently, Firmo is the vice-president of Seadrill and director-president of the Brazilian Association of Petroleum Services Companies (Abespetro). He has also been a member of IBP Board of Directors since March of this year, when he was elected during the last General Assembly.
Holding a degree in Engineering, José Firmo has an MBA in Business Administration by the Rotterdam School of Management from Erasmus University (Netherlands). The executive has 25 years of experience in the services area in the oil and gas industry, with a solid international career.
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