The Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP) announces Cristina Pinho as the new IBP secretary–general, to take office on November 14.
With a broad experience at the oil and gas sector and in high level positions, Cristina worked ate Petrobras for 31 years, where she held leadership activities in Exploration & Production & Logistics areas. She will be the first woman to hold this position at IBP.
Previously, she was Sub-secretary of Oil, Gas and Energy of the State of Rio de Janeiro, where actively participated in debates and actions for the resumption of the sector. Her articulation experience with different industry stakeholders will add to the institute’s renovation and restructuring work.
Cristina is also member of IBP Diversity Committee, acting as a Mentor in the institution’s Women’s Mentoring Program.
The current secretary–general, Milton Costa Filho, will work as a consultant for the IBP Presidency.
Cristina Pinho is president of the Luísa Pinho Sartori Institute, a non-profit organization focused on support and encouragement of conservationists and biologists for the preservation of the environment.
Graduated in mechanical engineering at UFRJ, she worked for 31 years at Petrobras, in the areas of exploration and production and the development of production and technology.
She held the position of Sub-secretary of Oil, Gas and Energy of the State of Rio de Janeiro for 10 months, where she was in charge for public policy and strategic planning, contributing to a state attracting investments in the oil and gas segment.
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