In addition to 39 panels and technical sessions, OTC Brasil 2015, one of the world’s foremost offshore events, will feature four topical luncheons bringing together senior executives from Brazil and around the world to discuss salient industry issues with a select audience. The event will be organized by OTC and IBP between 27 and 29 October at the Riocentro convention center in Rio de Janeiro.
The first topical luncheon will be on “Oil & Gas Megaprojects” with Edward Merrow, the founder and chairman of Independent Project Analysis (IPA), a research firm that publishes sector-specific capital project efficiency data that is closely followed across markets.
On April 28, a topical luncheon on “Brazil’s Pre-salt Developments and Ultra-deep Water Innovation” will feature a keynote address by Petrobras E&P Director Solange Guedes. Also during the event, Distinguished Achievement Awards will be presented to Petrobras oilfield engineer Antônio Carlos Capeleiro for his contributions to Pre-salt developments in the Santos Basin, and to Subsea7 for its deep water Buoy Supporting Risers.
Another two luncheons on the last day of the event (29) will discuss subjects related to the offshore industry. One will discuss “Oil Price Scenarios and the Oil & Gas Market Outlook” with IHS vice president and oilfield engineer Atul Arya. In the other, titled “Upstream Business in Mexico”, Pemex E&P COO Gustavo Hernández-García will address opportunities in the sector with the opening of the market.
Register now and secure your place!
Learn more. See an overview of the event with João Carlos de Luca, Chairman of the OTC Brasil Committee and CEO of Barra Energia.
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