The O&G Techweek 2019, the main discussion forum on its impacts on the O&G industry, to be held on August 26-30, welcome relevant themes as IoT, AI, Big Data, Cyber Security and will bring specialist to debate the challenges of digital technology at O&G industry.
At the first days, the Expert Workshop, organized in partnership with World Petroleum Council and designed to address regional and global issues of interest for the industry, will be held on August 26th and 27th, aiming to discuss the international dimension of the theme and helping qualified networking and interaction between participants.
The lectures and debates will focus on improvement of process efficiency, increasing productivity and operational safety. The program also includes the Partner Country, a day with presentations about technologies developed to O&G sector by Germany, considered a lead market at industry 4.0.
Besides that, hacktahons, startups pitchs, technology experience and technical tour to the main centers of research, technology and innovation in Rio de Janeiro, are also part of the event’s activities agenda.
The O&G Techweek 2019 Warm up happens on July 18th, at Fábrica de Startups main office, at AQWA Corporate, in Rio de Janeiro. The registration is open.
O&G Techweek 2019 will be held on August 26-30, at AQWA Corporate and is sponsored by Petrobras, Tishman Speyer, Repsol Sinopec, Siemens, Aker solutions and Aveva.
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