The newest version of the Rio Oil & Gas app is already available for download by Itunes Store and Google Play. The app brings for free all the needed information on the main oil & gas event in Latin America, such as the programme, the full list of speakers, as well as the static event’s map and the interactive one for the exhibition, in addition to the list of exhibitors, which shows the leading companies in the industry.
The app is also an easy way to stay tuned to find out more about the agendas of Rio Oil & Gas’s parallel events such as Technology, Sustainability and Knowledge Arenas, Engineering, Financial, Onshore and Compliance Forums, the 22th edition of Asphalt Meeting, and also the 5th edition of WPC Future Leaders Forum, the largest global gathering focused on young leaders from oil & gas industr, held for the first time in Brazil.
Rio Oil & Gas’s app also brings an special tool: users can better schedule their visit, creating routes to one point to another, and also get connected with other attendes by using a log account.
Download now on Google Play or Apple Store.
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