The 2020 edition of Rio Oil & Gas, the largest O&G event in Latin America, received more than a thousand technical paper abstracts, 17% more than in 2018. The conference takes place in September 21-24, in Rio de Janeiro, and brings together the main national and international companies in the O&G sector, authorities, academia, associations and civil society, representing the main networking and business generation platform in the region.
Those who have submitted their extended abstracts must await the result of the evaluation of the Technical Committee, until March 31st, displayed in the Author’s Area on the event´s website. In case of approval, the authors will have until May 15th to send the complete paper, in the format of 5 to 10 pages, according to the instructions sent by the organization. Check here for more information on themes, dates and guidelines.
The technical papers presented at the congress will compete for honorable mentions and published in the IBP online library, with ISSN and DOI registration, and in libraries of universities and partner companies. Authors will also be able to compete for the Plínio Cantanhede award, given to the best technical work presented at an IBP event.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates
Six months from Rio Oil & Gas 2020, IBP continues to work for the largest O&G event in Latin America. The Institute is monitoring the status of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and prepared to follow the prevention and hygiene guidelines of the WHO and the Ministry of Health. All official information will be updated according to the evolution of the situation in Brazil, both on the conference website and on social networks. Check the complete positioning here.
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