The arrangements for the next edition of the largest oil and gas event in Latin America have begun
At even years, September is dedicated to the meeting of the major operators and members of the oil and gas supply chain at Rio Oil & Gas, the gather together to discuss the sustainable development of the industry, fostering new business and business competitiveness.
The next edition is scheduled to 2020 September 21th to 24th, in Rio de Janeiro, at a multi-platform format with presentations, forums, arenas, parallel events, business road table, besides other interactivity activities.
Secure your spot at the main Latin America oil & gas event. Book now and reserve your stand with special conditions.
The resumption of O&G industry at 2018 edition
For the first time, the Rio Oil & Gas Conference had a theme block dedicated to digital technologies, that discussed the industry trends, technologies, innovation, challenges, and needs. Besides that, the last edition debated topics that impact the industry, from natural gas, fuel, digital transformation, compliance, and gender diversity. The last day was also marked by the signing of the Integrity Pact of the Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Industry, considered a mechanism to bring the sector closer.
The multi-platform format at 2016 edition
With a new format, multi-platform, the Rio Oil & Gas 2016 introduced 12 simultaneous events, in-depth debate on the main issues in the sector. Among the traditional conference and exhibition, other parallel programs happened: WPC Future Leaders Forum (WPC FLF), the Asphalt Meeting and arenas and forums to discuss compliance, knowledge, engineering, financial, onshore, sustainability and technology.
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