The Brazilian Institute for Oil, Gas and Biofuels (IBP) will host the seventh edition of the Social Responsibility Conference on 9 November, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, in Rio de Janeiro to discuss the application of human rights in organizations’ business management systems and processes.
Organized by IBP’s Social Responsibility Committee, the event will feature panels on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, community grievance mechanisms, the importance of human rights in the supply chain and other topics geared to both the private and public sector.
Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) consultant Antonio Carlos Albuquerque, one of the speakers at the event, emphasized the importance of the discussion for Brazil’s oil and gas industry: “Initiatives like these are extremely important as they allow companies, regulators and other industry stakeholders to share experience, identify opportunities and manage risks in their business and operations,” he says.
The consultant, who will be on the panel on “Human Rights in the Supply Chain”, also noted that the issue of human rights in the supply chain is a challenge for many companies. “We need to abandon the tier-based vision and look at risk across the entire supply chain. This new vision enables operations to define priority issues and plan actions to minimize risk in the supply chain and in broader issues such as safe working environments, occupational safety, forced labor, resettlement, discrimination, freedom of association, and access to information – which are among internationally accepted principles and concepts such as those of the UN,” he says.
Meet the other speakers. Check out the event program.
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