The training of volunteers for the third edition of Trilha Empreendedora Program, a partnership signed in 2017 between the Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP), the Rio de Janeiro Education Secretary and the NGO Junior Achievement, happened on April 30th, at IBP main office, in Rio de Janeiro. Almost 20 new volunteers enjoyed the training for activities of the first half of 2019, whose cycle is expected to begin in May.
Trilha Empreendedora Program aims to decrease school dropout through application of a sequence of structured programs in the pillars of entrepreneurship, financial education and preparation for the labor market, within educational program of Rio de Janeiro public high schools. This year, Trilha Empreendedora will continue to attend 24 schools in 10 municipalities of the state and, unlike previous years, the activities will be apply to seniors students.
In the first semester, it will be applied Connected with Tomorrow to second graders, which inspires students to think about their future, offering pathways for employability and other work-readiness skills need for high-demand jobs.
In the second semester, the programs Company in Action, which presents the main characteristics and the role of companies in Brazil´s economic system; Shadow Businessmen, that enables students to shadow a mentor and experience the routine of a professional, and Project Management / Life Skills, that helps students understand, plan, perform, monitor and evaluate a project of their own, will be apply to seniors students.
The oil and gas sectorial volunteer project – Trilha Empreendedora – is supported by 18 IBP associated companies: Aker Solutions, BP, Enauta, Equinor, Galp, Ipiranga, Karoon, Petrobras, Repsol Sinopec, SBM Offshore, Shell, Subsea 7, Supergasbras, Total, Technip FMC, Weatherford and Wilson Sons.
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