2019 Industry Agenda

Last modified in September 2, 2019

Produção nacional cresce, mas gás não chega ao mercado

Last modified in September 6, 2019

Produção nacional cresce, mas gás não chega ao mercado

Last modified in September 6, 2019

Promoted by IBP, forum will gather sector leaders for two days of debate and networking     Aware of Brazilian natural gas market transformation, considering the release of “New Gas Market” – a government program for overhauling the natural gas sector –, the Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP), will host between August 14th […]

Número 7, Ano I

Industry Observatory
Last modified in August 20, 2019

Brazil has been taking significant steps towards promoting the opening and development of the natural gas and refining and logistics market, which should result in more jobs, income and economic growth in the upcoming years. Within the framework of the federal government, measures coordinated by the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Mines and Energy, […]

Número 6, Ano I

Industry Observatory
Last modified in August 20, 2019

A nova onda do gás

Last modified in September 20, 2019

Brasil a gás: sob alta pressão

Last modified in September 20, 2019

The rise of fuel thefts incidents in Brazil is a point of attention to oil & gas operators. Not only by the massive financial loss, but also by the risks these thefts represents to communities located near the pipelines. Such criminal actions are responsible for soil contamination and can cause explosion. According to Petrobras, occurrences […]