Como antecipar as receitas do petróleo

Last modified in April 8, 2019

Gás natural marca novo ciclo para Macaé

Last modified in April 1, 2019

Government authorities, members of organizations, oil and gas companies that operate in the Campos Basin and the Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP), were reunited on March 19 at the Brasil Offshore launch event, to debate the current oil and gas scenario in Macaé, one of the largest oil producing cities in Brazil. With […]

Número 2, Ano I

Industry Observatory
Last modified in August 19, 2019

Número 1, Ano I

Industry Observatory
Last modified in September 10, 2019

Indústria petrolífera vê nova gestão com otimismo

Last modified in December 14, 2018

Lei do Gás: sem votação, debate sobre texto recomeça em 2019

Last modified in December 14, 2018