IBP 60 anos: uma forte atuação na retomada da nossa indústria

Last modified in November 28, 2017

Como o Rio foi para o buraco – e como fazer para sair dessa

Last modified in December 11, 2017

Brazil’s Natural Gas Sector Prepares For New Phase

Last modified in December 11, 2017

The search for solutions to generate cleaner energy will result in a 50% increase in the demand for natural gas in the world by 2040. This is the analysis of Thiago Barral, superintendent of projects of the Energy Research Company (EPE), an agency linked to the Ministry of Mines and Energy. For Barral, Brazil should […]

In a world where about one billion people still do not have access to energy, natural gas will emerge as the main source for electricity in the coming years. That is the conclusion of the president of the International Gas Union (IGU), David Carroll. The executive is in Brazil to participate in the 15th International […]

Natural gas has large potential to complement the renewable, wind, solar and hydropower generation (increasingly dependent on run-of-the-river hydropower plants in the country), sources that have gained space in the Brazilian energy matrix. As a result, the pre-salt natural gas reserves stand out, and the challenge is to benefit from them and turn them into […]

2016: um ano desafiador

Last modified in February 21, 2017

IGRC será realizado pela primeira vez no Brasil pelo IBP

Last modified in January 27, 2017