MME realiza primeira reunião do comitê técnico do gás

Last modified in January 27, 2017

Empresas pressionam por novas regras para o gás natural

Last modified in January 16, 2017

Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential elections may directly affect the world energy matrix. With a more conservative view on oil, the new US president must restrain the growth of renewable energy sources and interfere in the supply of natural gas throughout Europe, due to its relationship with Russia. That is the point of […]

IGRC será realizado no Brasil em 2017

Last modified in January 3, 2017
Em maio, o Brasil vai receber um dos eventos técnicos mais importantes na indústria do gás natural: o 15º International Gas Union Research Conference (IGRC). O evento será realizado no Rio de Janeiro pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis (IBP), em parceria com a International Gas Union (IGU), entre os dias 24 e […]

Did you know that today, November 21st, Brazilian Oil, Gas & Biofuels Institute celebrates its 59th anniversary? A history created on a daily basis by its 100 employees and 1500 volunteers from technical, regulatory and institutional committees to lead debates and integrate all industry stakeholders. Learn more on IBP’s history and activities. November 21st is […]

Perspectivas no setor de óleo e gás começam a melhorar

Last modified in October 17, 2016

IGRC 2017: paper submission deadline extended

Last modified in October 7, 2016
The call for papers of IGRC 2017 has just been extended. The new deadline to authors submit their papers is October 7, next Friday. The 15th edition of IGRC – International Gas Union Research Conference, will take place in Rio, between 24 and 27 May, 2017. It’s a lifetime chance to share knowledge with researchers […]