Rio Oil & Gas esbanja otimismo para retomada da indústria

Last modified in October 1, 2018

Tecnologia para impulsionar a indústria

Last modified in October 1, 2018

Event brought together more than 40 thousand visitors and big names to discuss industry-specific issues   Rio de Janeiro, September 27, 2018 – President Michel Temer said during the closing ceremony of Rio Oil & Gas that “the opening and competition attracted investment and technology to the Brazilian oil & gas industry .”Brazilian reforms reassured […]

Rio de Janeiro, September 27, 2018 – In the afternoon on the last day of Rio Oil & Gas, Márcio Félix, executive secretary of the Ministry of Mines & Energy, pointed out that the government and Petrobras are close to closing a deal on the surplus of the onerous assignment agreement, which will allow to […]

Fuel import and logistic bottlenecks were subjects for discussion   Rio de Janeiro, September 26 – On Wednesday, discussions about the future of Downstream in Brazil was one of the highlights in Rio Oil & Gas. Imports of fuels and the challenge in regulating supply in Brazil were some of the subjects discussed at the […]

Partnership and risk sharing was key to success   Rio de Janeiro, September 26 – Petrobras’ general contract manager Daniel Pedroso said on Wednesday at Rio Oil & Gas that the partnership established 18 years ago for developing the BM-S block -11, in the Santos Basin, where the Lula field is located, was key for […]