Os royalties são nossos

Last modified in July 31, 2017

2016: um ano desafiador

Last modified in February 21, 2017

With a little time left until the establishment of the local content policy for the 14th bidding round, which is scheduled for the beginning of this year, the Brazilian government bets on the dialogue between operators and suppliers to address the existing deadlocks on the revision of the standard and boost the local services industry […]

Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential elections may directly affect the world energy matrix. With a more conservative view on oil, the new US president must restrain the growth of renewable energy sources and interfere in the supply of natural gas throughout Europe, due to its relationship with Russia. That is the point of […]

The Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP) and the oil & gas industry deemed relevant the effort of the National Congress to approve the law 13365, which allows multiple operators in the pre-salt, sanctioned on November 29 by the President of the Republic, Michel Temer. The end of the sole operator obligation will pave […]

Did you know that today, November 21st, Brazilian Oil, Gas & Biofuels Institute celebrates its 59th anniversary? A history created on a daily basis by its 100 employees and 1500 volunteers from technical, regulatory and institutional committees to lead debates and integrate all industry stakeholders. Learn more on IBP’s history and activities. November 21st is […]

Evento quer motivar profissionais do petróleo

Last modified in October 18, 2016

Mudanças no conteúdo local virão em duas etapas

Last modified in October 17, 2016

Royalties em alta

Last modified in October 17, 2016