The challenging mission of developing pre-salt operations in a scenario of increasing oil price and new operators will be brought to the table in the newest edition of Brazil Offshore Finance Forum, to be held in October 5, 2016, from 8 am to 5 pm, in Copacabana Palace Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Organized in […]

Petrobras apresenta Plano de Negócios em evento do IBP

Last modified in September 29, 2016
Em evento promovido pelo Instituto Brasileiro do Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis (IBP) na última quarta-feira, 21 de setembro, Pedro Parente, presidente da Petrobras, apresentou o novo Plano de Negócios da companhia e ressaltou a importância da cooperação e parceria com a iniciativa privada, entidades do setor (com foco no IBP) e mudanças regulatórias para ampliar […]

Challenges and opportunities for the oil & gas supply industry will be in discussion during the first seminar Brazilian Oil and Gas – industry in transition, organized by the Norwegian Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (NBCC) with the support from IBP. The event will be held in September 28, 2016, from 8 am to 12h30 pm, […]

Petroleiras e fundos de olho na Braskem

Last modified in September 23, 2016

O duro caminho das reformas

Last modified in September 5, 2016