IBP is concerned at the passing by the House of Representatives last night of Amendment 26 to Bill 914/24 (Provisional Measure 1205 MOVER Program), which establishes new local content rules for oil exploration and production activities. The indices set out in the measure were not included in the original wording of Provisional Measure 1205 and […]

The Brazilian Institute of Oil and Gas (IBP), the main representative of the fuel sector in the country, has been working around the clock with its member companies to minimize the impact on fuel supplies in the region hit by the heavy rains in Rio Grande do Sul. Since May 2, IBP has set up […]

The sector welcomes the repeal of the 15 (fifteen) Special Regimes of the State of Amapá for fuel imports with deferred tax payment The fuel distribution, import, and resale sectors – represented by the entities Abicom, Brasilcom, IBP, Instituto Combustível Legal, Fecombustíveis and SindTRR – welcomed the decision of the State of Amapá, through Declaratory […]

The Brazilian Oil and Gas Institute (IBP), the main organization representing the O&G sector in the country, highlights the importance of the oil industry for the Brazilian economy, through the generation of jobs, income and the large fiscal contribution in general taxes, royalties, and special participation taxes. In 2023 alone, the Brazilian oil and gas […]

Petrobras eleva preço da gasolina em 3,5% para as refinarias

Last modified in August 12, 2021