One of the world’s leading energy events, ROG.e will bring together the main players in the energy sector, providing endless networking and business opportunities, with more than 450 exhibiting companies.
In addition to the presence of these numerous companies, the expo area will feature exclusive parallel events to discuss different topics. One of the highlights of the parallel schedule, dedicated especially to discussing lubricants, will be the Lubricants Arena, which will occur between September 23 and 26.
The space will provide a unique opportunity to explore innovations and trends, increasing visibility and highlighting their achievements and perspectives in the current energy transition scenario. It will be a chance to showcase innovations and advances shaping the sector’s future. Representatives from renowned companies such as Castrol, ICONIC (manufacturer of the Texaco and Ipiranga lubricant brands), Infineum, Mobil, Petronas, Lubrizol, Lwart, Raízen (manufacturer of Shell lubricants) and Vibra (manufacturer of Lubrax lubricants) will be part of the program, contributing with panels and round tables focused on discussions and insights into the area.
The arena is also sponsored by the Brazilian Automotive Engineering Association (AEA), Lubes em Foco magazine, the Legal Fuel Institute (ICL) and the Jogue Limpo Institute.
Book your tickets now and get to know the Lubricants Arena. Learn more about the types of tickets and their access levels here.
Event: Lubricants Arena
Date: September 23 to 26, 2024
Hours: 2 pm to 7 pm
Venue: Main Warehouse
Check out the Lubricants Arena full schedule and click here for further information.
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