IBP was present at the 50th Offshore Technology Conference, in Houston, between April 30 and May 3. The event gathered specialists from the offshore industry and world leaders to share ideas and develop business partnerships focused on global demands.
This year, the conference highlighted issues about current industry scenario, innovative technologies in a low oil price environment and operational safety´s best practices. More than 61,000 people from 100 different countries were present with more than 2,000 exhibiting companies.
Brazilian participation
Since 2003 present at the event, the Brazilian Pavilion opened this year´s activities at the exhibition with the participation of several organizations such as IBP, represented by its President José Firmo, ONIP, FIRJAN, Sebrae/RJ, ANP, ABIMAQ, FGV-Energia, ABESPetro, Minister of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services and Minister of Mines and Energy.
After the launching ceremony, the pavilion was the stage for the announcement of the 5th pre-salt bid round, which will be held September 28, one day after Rio Oil & Gas 2018, the biggest oil & gas event in Latin America, that will happen between September 24 and 27, in Rio de Janeiro.
According to the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), the Pavilion gathered 34 Brazilian companies that operates in several segments in the O&G chain and 15 potential investors interested in those segments in Brazil.
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