The Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP) will broadcast the first webinar in partnership with Energy Industries Council (EIC), called State of Play and Opportunities in Brazil’s Oil and Gas Market
The transmission will be on February 18th, 11 am Brasilia time (2 pm UK time).
The webinar will cover Brazil’s current main projects, industry scenario and what the market expects for the biggest Latin America’s trade show.
This is a free webinar, but registration is limited.
Cristina Pinho, IBP’s secretary-general, will provide an update on the state of play of the Brazilian oil & gas industry and it’s perspectives, focusing on the latest ANP bidding rounds, market expectations and their impact on Latin America’s largest oil and gas trade show: the Rio Oil & Gas 2020.
The webinar will also discuss some of the country’s most important oil and gas projects, presented by Mr. Pietro Ferreira, senior regional analyst at the EIC South America office.
The webinar will cover the following topics:
Introduction by Clarisse Rocha, EIC | Head of Americas
Brazilian Oil & Gas State of Play by Cristina Pinho, IBP | Secretary-General
An Overview of Oil and Gas Projects in Brazil by Pietro Ferreira, EIC | Senior Regional Analyst
According to data from the Industry Observatory, the investment outlook for the industry in Brazil is in the order of R$ 585 billion, and the oil and gas sector is the major channeler of this capital in the country, representing 53% of this total.
With the pre-salt and the recent auctions, there is a possibility that Brazil will rise in the ranking of the world’s largest producers. Currently, the country occupies the 10th position in the ranking of oil production, being the 7th largest consumer of oil in the world.
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